Friday, July 5, 2019

Caught young Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis

Singapore has 1 species of Oriole, the Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis. This young bird was squawking and skipping on a pavement beside a hedgerow. It is not ready for flight yet although there hard feathers for flight on the wings. It looks healthy. It was angry at me.

My boy was with me so it was a science lesson for him. Released it. A passerby informed me that the bird was spotted since 1 week ago. An older bird (mommy?) was feeding it. Probably learning to fly or blown off a tree some windy day.

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Angry Oriolus chinensis

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Monitor lizard probably Varanus salvator and unknown caterpillar

Spotted this monitor lizard in Bukit Panjang Neighbourhood 2 Park. This kind of monitor is very common in Singapore and is probably a Malayan Water Monitor Varanus salvator.

Then there were many of these on a fence outside Bukit Panjang Primary School.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Clerodendrum Japonicum at Bukit Panjang Neighbourhood 2 Park

Spotted Clerodendrum Japonicum at the fork of two running tracks. According to this website, the plant is edible and used in traditional medicine and remedies. It is native to South, Southeast Asia.

Clerodendrum japonicum, morning sun

Clerodendrum japonicum just before sunset

Bukit Panjang Neighbourhood 2 Park is nestled between Chestnut Avenue and Petir Road. It is connected to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve by hiking and off-road cycling trail.

Caught young Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis

Singapore has 1 species of Oriole, the Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis . This young bird was squawking and skipping on a pavement besid...